MS did not end my life, it just opened up other doors. The quality of my life has actually become so much better since I’ve been diagnosed with MS. I learned to listen to my body. Our bodies talk to … [Read more...]
We’re fighting MS and the battle we go through everyday. Getting healthcare, getting services, figuring out how to function in the world when you have a disease that changes every day. Today you’re … [Read more...]
I do not want to live smaller as a result of my diagnosis. I have had to adjust. There is no choice in that but to do it. But I am not going to let go of my goals, passions, and vision that I am … [Read more...]
All I ever wanted to do was be a policeman. I worked on homicides, narcotics, and rape investigations, putting bad guys in jail. Now I have a desk job. I can’t do the things I used to do and want to … [Read more...]
The fear of the disease is the fear of the unknown. You could wake up and something else won’t work right. When I ended up using a wheelchair, I didn’t want to admit defeat. But then I realized, I’m … [Read more...]
My MS has progressed to the point where I am unable to use my hands and it is now affecting my speech. I am trying to find purpose in a life consumed by a chronic illness. You want to love your life, … [Read more...]